We’ve been taking some late applications by email (the process is here), but tonight we’ll stop accepting them.
The Presentations page on the website now has the full schedule, with days, times, and rooms.
The site also has a new Logistics page that summarizes a lot of the things attendees need to know as the event arrives. I’ve been putting a lot of that information in this newsletter and in the Discord channel as it arises. It’s good to aggregate it all in one place.
As you can probably imagine, preparation for Fluidity Forum is a whirlwind right now. I went to a warehouse store and got almost all the food listed here. (Not the perishables though. Those I’ll get as late as possible.) I’ve been assembling room dividers, testing AV equipment, charging batteries, laundering and folding linens for air mattresses, pre-inflating air mattresses (new air mattresses seem like they have a leak, but they’re just deflating because they stretch when first used), assembling gift bags, readying my house for people to stay over on Thursday night, designing printed programs, borrowing a huge digital piano with appropriately-heavy keys and a foot pedal, printing instructions with floor plan maps for volunteers to use to set up… and many other tasks. I recently had my car break down and I replaced it with a commercial cargo van, which is already packed pretty high with Fluidity Forum stuff. Some of my friends are volunteering to transport things, and they’re not even attendees.
Planning has paid off; but as the saying goes, planning is everything but the plan is nothing. We’re improvising as things change.
This might be the last missive before the convention. I know this newsletter reaches many of you who will not be able to be there this year, but who are cheering on this endeavor. For me, it’s only a few days to go. But for you, it’s only a few weeks (if things go well) before the videos of the sessions are edited and posted to YouTube where you can watch them. I hope that excites you as much as it excites me! We’re in the final stretch. I just wanted to send you a newsletter to let you know I’m thinking of all of you too.
Expect more newsletters starting next week.
-Matt A