We’re going to reserve some group AirBnBs near the meeting venue where we will hold our sessions, The Congregation Detroit. The Congregation is a cafe in a historic church building, in a nice residential neighborhood on Rosa Parks Boulevard, about a mile from my house. The downstairs level is an event hall with a stage, which we’ll have in its entirety all weekend (including after close of business, but we need to figure out the specific times of that).

They’re working with us to design a selection of food and refreshments especially for our group. And if you want to eat or drink something else, you can walk upstairs and order from the cafe.
We currently plan to use divider screens to separate the hall into a circle of armchairs, a refreshments serving area, and audience seating in front of the stage.
I also budgeted for renting the picnic shelter next door for additional activities. It’s in a charming park.
We’re looking into reserving some fancy AirBnBs within about a mile of The Congregation Detroit. They’re multi-bedroom full residences that each sleep about ten. They can sleep up to a dozen or more if we provide air mattresses and privacy screens, which will depend on how many attendees want to get in on that.
Here’s a video I took of the event space.
In other news, the application and registration process is coming along nicely. We have enough registrations to reserve The Congregation. Our next goal is to get enough registrations to afford to reserve our first AirBnB. If we don’t reserve the really nice nearby AirBnBs for our weekend before someone else reserves them, then we would need to get others farther from our venue. So, early registrations help. But I’m optimistic we’ll get the exact ones we want.
Speaking of registering, here’s where you can apply:
Until next time!
-Matt A