The site now has a list of sessions which are planned for Fluidity Forum. You’ll notice that not all of them are talks. You don’t have to be a speaker to attend Fluidity Forum! Whatever you contribute just needs to come from you.
Sessions Q&A
Q: When does the event begin and end?
A: We plan to start with our Opening Ceremonies at 6pm on Friday, September 22. Closing Ceremonies will be from 2pm to 3pm on Sunday September 24. Transportation to and from the airport will work around these times.
Q: What’s the maximum length for my presentation?
Available timeslots range from half an hour to an hour and a half. If you ask for longer than an hour and a half, we can potentially do that, but there would need to be a really good reason. We expect almost all of them to be 50 minutes, allowing the last ten minutes of the hour to be a change-over to the next session.
Q: What’s the minimum length for my presentation?
Whatever you will be proud of. If you believe you can give a five-minute talk so mind-blowing that your audience will be glad they attended it, go for it. We are smart and creative people who have a lot to say, and who actively want a stage and a microphone to say it. I predict that a twenty minute talk will easily clear the bar of satisfying everyone involved. We’ll allot some more time for questions and discussion of your topic, to allow us to either enthuse about the topic together, or to go eat refreshments and use the restroom.
Q: What AV is available?
One end of the function space will be set up with eyes-front seating in front of the stage; the other end of the space will have a couch and armchairs set up in a circle. Each of these two sections will have a projector, a video camera, and an audio recorder. We won’t need amplified sound. The stage has a large projector screen, and will be lit with a lighting kit.
The Latest Attendance Stats
Forty-three people have applied to Fluidity Forum so far. (Oops, forty-four as I was writing this.) Of those, thirteen have had to withdraw for a variety of personal reasons. We rejected two applications. About ten approved applicants (as of this writing) never registered. We currently have twenty confirmed attendees. With the rate of cancellations and new applicants, we predict it will hover around twenty.
Sadly, Rival Voices had a life change in which he can no longer afford trans-Atlantic plane fare. When he cancelled his Fluidity Forum attendance, I asked him for a bit of time to see if there’s a way to find the money. Perhaps someone reading this wants to help him attend? If you can help, please reach out to and I’ll provide more details. We’ll need to settle that question over the next week, as plane fares are rising.
Sleeping Arrangements
If you’ve registered, by now you should have received an email asking for your preferences about where to sleep in the AirBnB. If you didn’t get it, check your spam folder.
Travel Arrangements
We’ll need to know the time when your plane will arrive and your return flight will depart, in order to schedule transportation for batches of attendees to and from the airport. We’ll send out an email about it.
Application Deadline, September 7
Soon we need to finalize our food spend and our lodging. And so, we need to close our application form on Friday, September 7 (a week from tomorrow), to give us time to process applications before we need to finalize expenses.
If your application has been approved, but you haven’t registered, I’ll send you an email about the deadline in case this newsletter doesn’t reach you.
After the deadline for the food-and-lodging-included package comes to a close, we can still work something out for you to attend, if you can make your own food and lodging arrangements at your own expense. In that case, you can email us at
Three weeks left! The event is so close now!
-Matt A